Reliable supplier of dairy products
Danleco provides a full range of services in the field of supply of dairy products to catering enterprises, food industry, and processing complex. Leading Russian and foreign producers, dairy plants, agricultural holdings and large farms cooperate with us. Well-established partnerships and continuous development have allowed us to take a leading position in the dairy market of the Russian Federation. The company annually increases its commercial performance, takes part in specialized exhibitions and industry conferences.
All products are marked with the Honest Mark system, shipped with a veterinary certificate of the FGIS Mercury and accompanying documents indicating the date of manufacture and the date of sale.
Why Choose Us
Well-thought-out logistics
We provide quality control, guarantee safety and compliance with GOST raw materials, finished and shipped products
We work in the interests of the client. Loyal pricing policy, flexible payment schemes, individual approach
Wide range
Our products

Hard cheeses. Soft brined cheeses

Industrial cheeses (full-fat and fat-free caljata)

Butter 72.5% and 82.5%

Milk powder, skimmed and whole


Cheese and cottage cheese whey
Send a request for the dairy products you are interested in and get a great deal from Danleco.

A reliable supplier of dairy products for your business!